Archive for November 3rd, 2006

NaNoWriMo 2006

November 3, 2006

Well, I’ve foolishly decided to tilt at the literary windmill again this year. I hardly lasted 3 days last year. And so far I only have a few hundred words this year.
No problem. This time around, I have taken the wise step of associating with some other like-minded writers to create an anthology of “Giant Evil Space Robot” fiction. By aggregating our work, we can reach the 50,000-word goal, without (we hope) creating too much unreadable dreck.
I’m spending a bit more time on plotting this time around, with the hope of producing something better. Check back every few days. Blogging will be light, but a bit more steady than it has been. Especially if I get in procrastination mode and avoid writing fiction by noodling around here.